by. John Dow
Any good Adsense Template should be somewhat of a different animal than a normal web site template. Most Adsense websites require lots of new and fresh content on a regular basis. So you want an easy method to update and add content.
Any Adsense ready template should have features designed around easy updating, fast changes, and be flexible enough to accomdate many different subject matter topics.
There are several ways to do this, depending on the flavor of your server operating system. Linux/Unix users use Server Side includes and Pearl or PHP scripts. Windows servers can use PHP but most use ASP or .NET scripting. I won’t go into which one might be best; it really is more of a cost and personal preference decision.
Regardless of your OS, you want to have the basic information like menus, article or page listings, copyright, and even adsense layouts managed centrally. One spot changes (change the information in one section and it appears on every page) are the way to go to save time and effort.
You could go with a content management system, but they get pretty pricey and complicated, even for the most basic offerings. Like in most situations, keep it simple and you can’t go wrong. So make sure that you have an easy way to update on the backend of any Adsense Template you are considering.
The next factor to consider is how well the design will work across multiple subject areas. You may want to use the Adsense Template with different subject matter, for multiple Adsense websites. It should be versatile enough for say exercise subjects and-or gardening subject areas. Flexibility is key to multiple websites with different areas of interest.
Speaking of versatility, you want to be able to test both the placement and layout of your Adsense ads too. Each style and subject may have different performance based on both location and style of layout. So you want to be able to try different methods and positions for each subject matter or website.
If you are really serious about starting an Adsense website, don’t buy a pre-made website. Why? Because you will
have the same website as everyone else who buys that product.
And if there’s one thing that kill any hopes of making money with Adsense is to have about 2-300 duplicate websites that match yours.
One of the keys to success in garnering traffic from the search engines and acquiring links from other websites is to be unique and offer some real value to the reader. No search engine will rank you well if you have a bunch of twin websites in both layout and content.
There are a lot of little details in creating a good website, especially if you plan on going with natural traffic (search engine or free links). With all the competition out there in every possible subject area, you need to stand out from the crowd. So any Adsense Template you consider should be adaptable to many different styles and allow you to be unique.
Changing the colors and graphics should be as easy as the content. Although your Adsense website doesn’t have to have a work of art, you want color schemes that match your subject. A few graphics here and there help improve the readability and once again gives you the opportunity to stand out a little bit from the crowd.
It’s hard to be creative if you have to manually change every page when you decide to go with a new look. Especially with several hundred pages to change in about five or six places. And the more you have to manually change, the more opportunity there is for mistakes and typos.
Adsense websites can be a great way to start learning how to setup a website and make a few dollars too. The catch 22 is that you don’t want to spend more time than necessary to get it up and running. And ongoing maintenance can get to be real chore without automating as much as possible when added new content.
And don’t forget to go read Google’s Adsense terms and conditions. You don’t want to spend all that time creating a website and then run afoul of the basic rules. When ever in doubt, check with Google support and you’ll stay out of trouble won’t get terminated.
Keep in mind that Adsense income takes a while to build. A lot of it is in relation to your traffic and subject matter, but ad style and placement can make a difference too. So plan for the long haul, do your research on subject matter, and test your layouts.
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